ERIC was allegedly established to help states make voter rolls more accurate. The primary effect of ERIC is to grow the voter rolls by converting eligible-but-unregistered (EBU) persons into registered voters. States divulge to ERIC personally identifying information of unregistered residents, including people who have declined to register for privacy reasons. FOIAs reveal that ERIC […]
2020 General Election
Long Withheld Records Reveal More than 20,000 Mail Ballots Received After the Legal Deadline
Long Withheld Records Reveal More than 20,000 Mail Ballots Received After the Legal Deadline Maricopa County withheld requested public documents for nearly seven months. These documents show 18,000 additional late ballots not previously reported. Several contests were decided by less than 20K votes, most notably the statewide presidential race that was decided by only 10,457. […]
Maricopa Undelivered Ballots—Whereabouts Unknown
Verity Vote found over 56,000 Maricopa County live ballots were undeliverable. Those ballots are election materials that The Recorders Office admits they did not retain. The law requires that election materials be retained. To Download the Report Discarded unvoted election materials present an invitation to illegal voting. This is well-illustrated by Stephen Richer’s review of […]
Partisan Entities Given Access to Backend of Pennsylvania Online Voter Registration System
Pennsylvania is one of only four states that allow third party entities to access to voter registration systems via an API. Most states and most countries prohibit access to sensitive election data but in Pennsylvania, third party organizations (posting entities) are not only given access to the SURE system, but they also have the ability […]
Maricopa Dropbox Chain of Custody
740,000 Ballots Have No Documented Chain of Custody. Verity Vote conducted an investigation of Maricopa County’s ballot chain of custody for the 2020 General Election. County records show problematic retrieval of early voting ballots from vote centers and drop box locations. Numerous violations of Arizona election law are revealed. The violations identified are important because […]