Mail ballots are being sent to voters with a not-verified status in Pennsylvania. Guidance and directives from the PA Department of State instruct counties to register and mail ballots to voters who provide invalid ID or no ID. Counties must attempt to obtain and verify identification which is likely to end in crisis as described […]
Partisan Entities Given Access to Backend of Pennsylvania Online Voter Registration System
Pennsylvania is one of only four states that allow third party entities to access to voter registration systems via an API. Most states and most countries prohibit access to sensitive election data but in Pennsylvania, third party organizations (posting entities) are not only given access to the SURE system, but they also have the ability […]
Pennsylvania Voter Deficit
For the 2020 General Election, Pennsylvania requires a count of 7,035,796 ballots to explain their election results. This includes ballots with votes for one of the three major presidential candidates, all write-in votes, all over-votes, all under-votes (as reported by the 67 counties), and the 71K late mail ballots. After all counties closed the election […]